Kanebo Q10 Paper Mask (25ml x 5 pieces)


The rejuvenating co-enzyme Q10 moisturizing facial mask that slips on luxuriously to bring concentrated firming and hydrating benefits to skin. Infused with an intensive treatment essence that rapidly penetrates deep into the core of the skin cells. Specially developed with Co-Enzyme Q10 and Soy Isofrabone to promote youthful, firm skin. The waffle sheet mask containing 25ml of milky essence will absorb into your skin. For tired, dehydrated and saggy

After cleansing and toning, put on the mask for 5-15 minutes. Remove it and massage the remaining essence until it is totally absorbed. Follow up with a moisturizer for complete protection. Use 1-2 times a week.

Q10 + 大豆精華 + 肌美精 成分配合, 使肌膚回復緊緻彈力

臉洗淨,取出面膜敷於肌膚上, 5-15分鐘後再將面膜撕下, 用手輕拍留在肌膚上的美容液使之滲入肌膚細胞。再補上 Lotion/Cream.